Free Delivery on all orders over $89.99 in Canada, over $129.99 in USA and over $199.99 elsewhere.
Mānuka Honey MGO 650 img1

*From 16 Dec to 22 Dec 2022: a bag of Manuka honey will be offered for free with the first jar of Manuka Honey MGO 650+. Will be automatically added to your order during the packing process, but will not appear on your order summary in the cart.

All our products contain certified levels of Methylglyoxal (MGO) which are responsible for immune strengthening and its anti-bacterial effects. MGO650+ is excellent for Immune Boost when feeling unwell. It has shown to be effective for skin recovery and wound healing in research studies. Major studies, and dermatologists use Mānuka Honey for preventing skin infection and as a mild-moderate topical anti-microbial agent. Some promising research have shown benefits of faster skin recovery and reduced scaring.

Its strong anti-oxidant properties in removing free radicals from the body has shown superior health benefits such as aging. MGO550+ also has shown iron-binding properties in research studies. When consumed with meals it may help enhance iron absorbtion.

Mānuka Honey MGO 650+ (MF 16+) Certified Mono-Floral (250 gr)


Availability: In stock

This product has been certified and independently approved for its quality and MgO contents. We test all batches to ensure quality and assurance. Our products meet the Ministry of Primary industry requirements for export. RMP: BOIHS2013
We strive to ensure customer satisfaction/We do our best to ensure that all our customers are happy. Here at Totika, we stand strongly by our obligations under the fair trading and consumer guarantees act. Kindly contact our friendly customer support team if you have received an incorrect orders or have any feedback with regards to our products and service!

Shipping is FREE:
– Within Canada for purchases over $89.99.
– Within USA for purchases over $129.99.
– For International shipping for purchases over $199.99.
All products are dispatched within 24 hours to ensure prompt delivery.
Delivery time is subjected to the local and international courier service.

Safe for consumption during Pregnancy
Possible choking hazard for children
Contact us and talk to our Totika pharmacist if you have queries about effects on any underlying health condition

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